Solar Position Tracking System

Solar Position Tracking System .

Solar Position Tracking System

With the Solar Position Tracking System trainer, it is possible to monitor the most meaningful parameters of the sun tracker and to compare them with the expected optimal setting according to the actual sun position.

Technical Specifications of Solar Position Tracking System

The trainer is composed of the following:

  1. A two axis solar tracking system, 2 x 20W, 12V, to allow the tracking of the sun light direction.
  2. A supporting frame for the modules.
  3. A battery.
  4. A battery charge regulator, 12V, 30A.
  5. A circuit breaker.

Other Features of Solar Position Tracking System

  1. Automatic or manual tracking.  
  2. Temperature sensor.
  3. Humidity sensor
  4. Compass sensor.  
  5. Protection against gust

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