Common Rail Direct Injection For Diesel Engine .
Common Rail Direct Injection For Diesel Engine simulator allows the study, the testing and the troubleshooting on HDI (CDI CR) injection systems for diesel engines that, similarly to what happens for the traditional injection petrol engines where, however, the pressure of the fuel is only few bars, use a high pressure electric pump and a single manifold to connect the pump to the electro-injectors, which are electronically and individually controlled for what concerns the start and the duration of the injection. In the conventional diesel engine the rotation speed of the engine controls the pressure to the injectors and, furthermore, pressure and injection are strictly correlated, because only when the pressure exceeds a given threshold there is the mechanical opening of the injector
The advantages of the Common Rail Direct Injection For Diesel Engine:
The main components that characterize a Common Rail Direct Injection For Diesel Engine are the following: