Buchholz Relay .

Buchholz Relay

Buchholz Relay trainer has the objective of studying the characteristics of a Buchholz Relay and in a more general way the identification and the features relevant to the failure in an oil circuit due to the presence of gas. In particular, the trainer shows how the safety device Buchholz relay operate and stop the transformer if a gas is introduced in the circuit. If any gas is found in the oil circuit, this relay automatically blocks the transformer and has also the function of preventing any possible serious damages to the transformer. In Buchholz Relay trainer a simulated transformer is included suitable for practicing. Also a small size compressor is included for compressed air the compressor is provided with a filling valve and a connection in order to test the Buchholz relay (gas detector). This device is mounted on a closed panel and the wires from the terminal of the relay are in the back side of the panel. Air circuit pipes are not visible, it is possible to see only the valves. The connection on the panel is done through 4 mm. safety sockets and electrical connections are made by means of safety cables.

It is possible to perform the following experiments:

  1. Gas accumulation
  2. Oil loss
  3. Light gas relay protection
  4. Heavy gas relay protection

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